Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

March . . April . . May    
Sunday Dinner at Nini and Papa's
Dada Zion and Mama Zionplaying recorder
April 12, 2011--Grandparents day at Warren Walker. My class played "Chee Chee Cha Cha" on our recorders to entertain the grandparents. Then we went to our classroom and played a math game with cards. It's always fun to have my grandparents visit my school.
Zion, Grandma and Grandpa Zion, Nini and Papa Zion at school
Zion at school Zion at school
April 25, 2011--Safari Park
Safari Park
Safari Park Safari Park
May 5, 2011--My Birthday at Zia's and Romi's
Birthday Birthday Birthday
5/20/2011 -- Birthday Party at Belmont Park
Birthday Party at Belmont Park Birthday Party at Belmont Park Birthday Party at Belmont Park
Birthday Party at Belmont Park Birthday Party at Belmont Park Birthday Party at Belmont Park
Birthday Party at Belmont Park Birthday Party at Belmont Park
Birthday Party at Belmont Park Birthday Party at Belmont Park
May 27, 2011--Recorder Recital at Warren-Walker
Recorder Recital at Warren-Walker  
Recorder Recital at Warren-WalkerRecorder Recital at Warren-Walker  
5/30/11--Memorial Day in Kensington
Memorial Day Memorial Day

Memorial Day
Memorial Day
Memorial DayMemorial Day
6/1/2011--Giving my hair to Locks of Love
6/10/2011--Warren Walker "State Fair". My state was Utah
Warren Walker "State Fair" Warren Walker "State Fair"
Warren Walker "State Fair" Warren Walker "State Fair"
6/10//2011--Wreck This Journal with Nini
Zion Zion Zion
Zion Zion Zion
Zion Zion Zion
6/4/2011--Disneyland with my parents, Grandpa Charlie and Juanita
DisneylandDisneyland DisneylandDisneyland

6/15/2011--School's out. Good bye 4th grade