Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

Sept . . Oct . . Nov   
September 3 -- I start the second grade.
October 18 -- Grandma took me to Legoland and then I then I stayed in Ramona.

Halloween--I was a princess.

My parents are scary.

I'm holding a picture I drew.

My school palls--Andrea and Catarina

School Halloween Party
November 1 -- My family went to a Renaissance Party at Matt, Angela, Alex and Matt's house. Courtly Noyse was there playing ancient Renaissance tunes with ancient instruments.
I take gymnastics classes at the Toby Wells YMCA. It's one of my favorite things to do.
November 27 -- Thanksgiving Day at my house.

Oct. 4--Annalise/s 1st birthday

Ghost party favors at Annalise's

I took this picture of Moma and Dada

Catarina and I designed costumes

Nov. 4th -- Yeah, Obama is elected

Dec. 21 -- Fin died.

November 26 -- Indian dress

I love to draw fairies