Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

Sept . . Oct . . Nov   
September 8 -- I start the third grade. My teacher is Miss Lattin. Cat is in my class.
Zion's 1st day of 3rd grade Zion Zion and Cat
Off to School Zion and Ms. Lattin
Zion at her desk Zion and Ms. Sanchez Zion at school
Zion's 3rd grade picture Zion's class
November 2009 -- My Junior Theater end-of-semester production was "Fractured Fairytails". I was the Popsicle Girl.
Zion at Junior Theatre Zion at popcycle Zion at Junior Theatre
November 20, 2009 -- My third grade class play was "Pandora's Box." I was the fairy.
Zion's bio for Pandora's Box Pandora's Box
Zion as fairy in Pandora's Box Zion as fairy in Pandora's Box Zion as fairy in Pandora's Box
Cast of Pandora's Box Zion's family
November 2009 -- My family took a trip to Santa Barbara. We visited UC Santa Barbara where my Dada went to college, and the Santa Barbara Zoo.
Zion and Brian at Santa Barbara
UCSB Campus
Zion at Santa Barbara Zoo Zion
Zion at Santa Barbara Zoo
Thanksgiving -- We had Thanksgiving at Nini and Papa's. Grandama Juanita, Grandpa Charlie, Aunt Carol, Aunt Dot, Toby, Thyme, Adria and Nicholas were there.
Thanksgiving turkey Nini and Turkey Juanita and Nini
Nicholas and Thyme Charlie and Thyme Family at Thanksgiving
Zion reading Thanksgiving Poem Zion