Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

Sept . . Oct . . Nov   
September--1st day at Bishop's School. I'm a 6th grader

First day of school

6th grade picture
October 4, 2014--Blessing of the Animals at Bishop's. Molly got blessed. I don't think it helped.
October 4, I played my first volleyball game for Bishop's. I'm not the best vollyball player.

Mr. Benjamin's Ballroom dance and social graces class
October 31, 2012--Halloween
November 4, 2012--Baby shower for Thyme and Adria at NiNi and Papa's house.
November 20, 2012--Grandparents Day at Biship's.
November 22, 2012--Thanksgiving at NiNi and Papa's
December--Bishop's Art Exchange with Kaun Khlong Primary School in Cambodia

Mr. Gercke and I making a lithograph for the Cambodinan students

My lithograph--Girl on the Beach

Maddy with her lithograph

The student in Cambodia with Maddie's litohgraph

Bishop's Students

Cambodian sutdents
I was a tutor for Karen Refugees