Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

March . . April . . May    
Easter 2008 -- My family went on a fun trip. We first went to Valley of Fire outside of Las Vegas and saw petroglyphs. Then we went on to the Grand Canyon where I hiked the Rim Trail
April 10 -- "Stone Soup".My drama teacher, Miss Sanchez, wanted me to be the narrator, but I wanted to be the baker so I could do more acting, not just reading. My hat kept bugging me. My family came--Mama, Dada, Grandma, Grandpa Charlie, Nate, Jake, NiNi, Papa and even Reese and his dad.
May 4 -- My Grandma had a big family birthday party for me. We blew bubbles and played with Dingle Balls. My Dada is the best blower. Jake and Nate gave me a garden set. Papa was sick.
May 5 -- My real birthday. I had a party at my house.
May 11 -- My other birthday party--gymnastics at the YMCA.
See the video of my birthday party.