Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

June . . July . . August   

My MaMa signed me up for swimming lessons at the YMCA. At first I didn't like them at all, but then I got used to the water and it wasn't so bad.

Here's my teacher Christine. I like her. She holds me the whole time and doesn't let me go. I can trust her.

Click here to see the video of my swimming lesson (Broadband only)

June 20, 2004 - NiNi and MaMa took me to the Del Mar Fair. I got car sick on the drive up, but then had a grand ole time at the fair. My favorite thing was riding on the pony.

I liked "Kiddie Land". We rode the rides and did the Fun House. I had trouble pressing the pedal down on the bumper car so the carnival guy swung me around.

Here's MaMa and me. We were riding the Ferris wheel. It was so fun. I wasn't scared at all.
MaMa, NiNi and I went to an old fashion 4th of July celebration in Old Town. Here I am fooling around with my MaMa on the town square. I like to wrestle with her.

People dressed up in old-fashioned clothes and paraded around the town square. My MaMa and I joined them while my NiNi took pictures. We all waved our flags.

I'm posing in front of a park ranger and a mule (who pulled a wagon in the parade). We got 5-cent popcorn and lemonade. We waved flags and did the sack races and the cakewalk.

July 26, 2004 - My NiNi took me to Dino Mountain at the Wild Animal Park. Here I am relaxing in a dinosaur egg. I'm pretending that I'm about to hatch.

The dinosaurs were big and scary, but I wasn't afraid.

Here I am at the petting zoo checking out this deer. I discover a lot of things when I can get this close.

August 17, 2004 - MaMa, NiNi and I went camping at William Heise County Park in Julian. We took a half-mile walk through the burned areas. MaMa used her GPS.

I love staying in a cabin. I called it a cottage. Here I am with my animals on the top bunk. NiNi read me books and told me stories at night in the cabin.

Here's Crystal Blue from the Julian Stables. She pulled me, MaMa, and a girl named Diane in a cart. She's a sweet pony. I got to feed her carrots and ate some myself.

Aug. 13, 2004 - NiNi took me to Miss Laura's dance class. She got me M&M's at the liquor store and then we ate ham sandwiches at a little café called Target.

I'm practicing my dance movements with my tail.

Click here to see the video of my dancing lesson (Broadband only)

My Grandma got me this "101 Dalmatian" dance leotard at the Thrift Store. I like wearing it.