Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

Sept . . Oct . . Nov  

This is my official school picture. I am in the 4 year olds class. My teachers are Miss Carrie, Miss Joan and Miss Carol. Bryn is my best friend.

Here is my whole preschool class. (Click on the picture to see a larger image.)

This is Kensington church where I go to preschool. It's in my neighborhood and I've gone there since I was 2 years old.

October 27th -- my DaDa's birthday. I'm helping him blow out the candles. He had a big job interview today (and got the job)!

NiNi and PaPa had a party for DaDa. My MaMa couldn't come. She was at her class learning how to be an aerobics instructor.

Dada likes the furry Hobbit pants my MaMa made him. They will keep him warm in the winter.

I was a black cat for Halloween.

My DaDa took me trick or treating because my MaMa was at her class. Here we are at NiNi and PaPa's.

This is my friend Emma from preschool.

Here I am with my pal Shelby. We're zebras for a Junior Theatre performance on Nov. 14, 2005.

Here are all the kids in the performance.

My NiNi, PaPa, DaDa, MaMa, Grandma and Grandpa came to see me.

Nov. 24 - Thanksgiving dinner at our house. I made a tent out of blankets and tried to get NiNi to crawl in.

I set the table and made this cool turkey drawing. After dinner, My DaDa, MaMa and I went to see the latest Harry Potter movie. NiNi and PaPa did the dishes.

Here's my DaDa carving the turkey. It took longer to cook because we forgot to take it out of the refrigerator to defrost it -- but it turned out really good! Yum!