Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

Sept . . Oct . . Nov   

My first day of school.

On September 9, 2006, I started kindergarten. I go to Warren Walker School. I wear a uniform, but I can pick out my own socks.

Miss Mills is my teacher. She is nice. She is beautiful, but she gives time outs when we are bad. I have learned to like naptime.

I don’t like Spanish because on my first day of school I colored my apple green. I didn’t know rojo meant red.

On September 15, I got to take Corduroy the Bear home with me for a weekend. He lives at our school.

Corduroy and I spent the night at NiNi and PaPa’s on Friday night. NiNi took a lot of pictures of Corduroy. Then my MaMa took Corduroy and me to the Natural History Museum. We had fun.


Here I am with
my new friend Elysee.

I make very good grades.
I was a princess for Halloween.

Elysee was Dorothy. Miss Mills was a Hula Girl. We had a program at school. I cried for my MaMa.

I took this picture of my MaMa all by myself. She was a wizard.

On November 9-12, I went to Paradise Campground with my family. It’s near a mountain range overlooking Santa Barbara.

I climbed on the rocks at Lizard’s Mouth. We went to Santa Barbara and Solvang. I skinned my knee at the Mission.

I made a Native American noise maker to warn people if there’s a bear.


When I go to play at my NiNi’s
house, I bring my animals with me. We always have fun.

Here I am with Miss Frizzle. She teaches me about science at the Natural History Museum. My MaMa takes me on Sundays.

I started guitar lessons. My DaDa takes me after school on Tuesdays.

My MaMa and I made turkey cupcakes for the Thanksgiving feast at school. (We learned how from Martha Stewart.)

This is my classroom.

Elysee and I are pilgrims. We sang about turkeys
See video (broadband only).

Nov. 23rd, Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma and Grandpa’s house in Ramona. I spent the night with my Grandma. We ate and ate. I love drumsticks. I played with my cousins Jake and Nate. We pretended we were homeless. After dinner, we went for a walk in the country.

Lucy, Grandma’s dog, and I ate way too much.