Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

Dec . . Jan . . Feb

This is me with my shortest haircut ever.
On Christmas Eve, I got to open presents at Nini and Papa's. I got a Calico Critters' Doll House in this box. It has real lights that turn off and on.

I'm posing with a penguin I got for Christmas.

I wore this crown and my beautiful sparkly pink dress at my class Christmas party.

I'm hugging Miss Mills, my kindergarten teacher.

In February, Nini came to my school to tell us about Africa. Here's my class wrapped in a Masai cloth. That's Elysee in the front.


My friend Casey and I got together over the holidays. We played dress up.

Here's the fairy outfit I put together when I went over to Casey's house.

Catarina came over to my house to decorate Christmas cookies.

I got to take Corduroy home from school. We had fun.

Elysee, her brother Joseph, and I are having fun at the park.

I take guitar lessons with Miss Cherry. I go once a week.