Website by Bill and Nancy Interactive

March . . April . . May   

On March 26, we had an Easter egg hunt at my preschool. I got a lot of candy.

We had a birthday party for Papa and Grandpa Charlie. NiNi put an alien decoration on their birthday pies.

I didn't like sitting on this bunny's lap. In fact I said out loud, "This is not the Easter Bunny. It's a grown up in a costume." My NiNi didn't want the other kids to hear me.

Here's my PaPa making me laugh.

I also got this big chocolate bunny. I love holidays and I love to eat candy!

I'm being silly while my NiNi is trying to get a good picture of me with my Grandma and Grandpa Charlie.

This is my friend from preschool. We're practicing smiling and being lovely. I don't much care for smiling (or being lovely).

April 11th, I went camping with my NiNi and PaPa. NiNi bought me this toy lantern and my cool pink sneakers.

I'm on the top bunk in the cabin with my stuffed animal who is a skunk. I played "Hide and Stink" with him. I love staying in a cabin.

We rented the Live Oak cabin at Paso Picacho campground. PaPa made a campfire to keep me warm. I took a shower with NiNi-- my first shower without toys.

We hiked two-thirds the way up Stonewall peak. I fell and scrapped my knee and couldn't go on. NiNi and PaPa carried me down.

In April, I went to Chuck E. Cheese for a pre-birthday celebration with my family. (I had my real birthday at a Mexican restaurant in Ireland.)

Here's Chuck E and me. I'm crazy about that big ole rat.

Here I am at home after the party at Chuck E's. My cousins gave me this cool princess tent and my NiNi gave me a box of costumes. I love birthdays.


My MaMa, DaDa and I spent two weeks in Ireland (end of April, first of May). I loved the beautiful countrysied and the and the nice people. (I turned 4 in Ireland.)


Here I am by a statue of Oscar Wilde in Marion Square in Dublin.

I'm with my MaMa in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin.

I took this picture of MaMa and DaDa by the King's Stone in Tara.

May 21, we had a big BBQ and graduation celebration for Thyme. Here's Thyme with her dad, my Grandpa Charlie. Charlie's so happy that Thyme graduated from college and bought a house (with Adria, her girlfriend.)

This is my cousin Jake. He likes dressing up like a girl. I love Jake. We were so silly at the celebration.

Here's my cousin Nate. He's serious now and doesn't like to play with Jake and me as much as he use to.


May 30 - Kensington Memorial Day parade. Afterwards we had a block party and NiNi had an Art Show for Larissa.

Bev organized some neighborhood kids to march in the parade. They were characters from Flash Gordon. They won first prize. I didn't want to march.

NiNi and PaPa brought tomato plants to sell for the Garden Club. The Garden Club gave me this plant for free. It had a broken stem.